Project Work   

Proforma for the project : 

Class : VI
Subject : Mathematics
Name of the lesson/ Unit : Whole numbers
No of the project : FA1
Allotment of work :

Detailed information of the project :

1. Title of the project :
                  Whole numbers representing on number line and performing operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication. 

2. Objectives of the project :
    i. Representing whole numbers in graphical form.
   ii. Arranging whole numbers in an order.
  iii. Representing Additions, Subtractions, Multiplications on number line.  

3. Materials used :  
               Sketch pens, paper, pen, scale, pencil.  

4. Tools:
i. Simplification : Simplifying whole numbers with the help of operations like Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication.
ii. Understanding the need of whole numbers instead of natural numbers. 
iii. Understands the relation between natural numbers and whole numbers. 

Procedure :

1. Representing whole numbers on number line.
 2. Definition of whole numbers: 
            Natural numbers along with the zero form the collection of whole numbers.
    whole numbers W = { 0,1,2,3,.... }    

Problem Solving :
i. Addition on number line :
a. 4+3 
Representing addition of 4+3 on number line

                         Start from 4, we added 3 to 4. we make 3 jumps to the right on the number line as shown above we will reach 7.
                                 So, 4+3=7
  So, whenever we add three numbers we move on the number line towards right starting from any of them.

ii. Subtraction on number line :
a. 8-4
         Representing substation of 8-4 on number line :

 Start from 8. since we subtract 4 from 8, we take 4 steps to the left on the number line as shown above. we reach 4 .
         So 8-4=4. 
 Thus moving towards left means subtraction.

iii. Multiplication on number line :
a. 4*2
          Representing multiplication of 4 and 2 one number line :
    We know that 4*2 means taking four steps 2 times. 4*2 means 2 jumps towards right, each of 4 steps.
 Start from 0, move 4 units to the right each time, making 2 such moves we will reach 8.
         So, 4*2=8.

Conclusion : 
                  I represented the whole numbers on the number line and also perform operations on addition, subtraction and multiplication on number line with simplifications also.

Doubts : 
               Why zero has no predecessor for whole numbers? 

Acknowledgement : 
             I convey my sincere thanks to my Mathematics teacher and who are co-operator and put their earnest efforts in completing the project.

Reference Books :
         6th class mathematics text book 

                                                                                Signature of the student :   

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