Project Report 
1.Name of the project : How to reduce the environmental temperature(Global warming).
2.Class : X
3.Subject : Physical Science
4.Time Frame : 5 days
5.Materials/Source used : Drawing sheets , Science text books , Science magazines journals , gum and scissors , Inter Net , Internet and library.
6.Details of procedure followed :
   i.We collected the require photos and information from different source like science magazines , newspapers and textbooks.
  ii.We searched the science blogs in internet.
7.Findings and Observations :
   i.We knew the importance of transfer of heat and temperature.
  ii.We noticed that importance of environment and its temperature.
  iii.We find one of the solution for reducing the environmental    temperature. 
8.Experiences faced : We enjoy the collecting information and photos of environment from various sources.
9.Project outcome : 
   i.We know the details of environment.
   ii.We gain interest on science and develop the scientific temper to create new things and solutions.
   iii.This project exhibit in our school and create a interest to school children to plant a tree.

10.Name of the group members and work allotment : 
Date of Submission                                      Signature of the student


                                                     Project Work

1. Name of the project & Content : How to reduce the environment temperature(Global warming).
2. Class : X
3. Time frame : 5 days
4. Objectives : Students may solve the problem for reduce the environment temperature from science books and internet.
5. Assessment Activities : We work this activity as a project based. 
6. Materials Required :  
i. First we understand the concepts of heat and temperature from the first chapter heat in our text book.
ii. Drawing sheets, science Text books, science Magazines, Journals, gum and scissors, Internet
7. Procedure: 
Heat : Heat is a form of energy which flows from hot body to cold body.
Temperature: The degree of hotness or coldness is called temperature.
Causes : Living organisms can survive only in a narrow of temperature. 
         Some our daily life activities and natural calamities produces the green house gaseous. According to the concept of the heat and temperature this warming heat energy flow towards the environment causes Global warming. 

1. In recent year temperature in Indian cities is increasing more and more.
2. I am sure this is happening in other parts of the world as well.
3. when the time of our grand father, average temperature in my city never crossed 35 degrees in summer but how mercury column of the thermometer is reaching up to 40 degrees. 

                              Some of the reasons for Global warming
1. Carbon dioxide emission from burning gasoline for transportation vehicles.

2. Deforestation, especially tropical forests for wood, pulp and farmland

3. Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants:
      Our ever increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causing global warming.

4. Increase in use of chemical fertilizers on crop land.

  5. Methane emissions from animals, agriculture such as rice paddies and from arctic seabeds.

                                       Effects of global warming
1. Rise in sea levels world wide.  

2. More killer storms 

 3. Massive crop failure 

4. Climate change is expect have the most server on water supplies. Shortage in future are likely to threaten food productions, reduce sanitation, hinder economic development damage Eco system. It causes more violent swing between floods and drought. Global warming causes 300000 deaths a year.

         1. There are many ways to prevent the global warming.
         2. But the best way to prevent the global  warming is 
             plant trees.
         3. I was wondering if planting more trees can reduce temperature at-least at the local level if not at global level. 

4. How to convince our government to plant more trees? or shall we start planting trees by ourselves instead of waiting for government to act?
5. Also what are other Eco-friendly, cost effective ways by which we can keep our homes cooler in summer days. 

8. Project Outcome:
      i. we carefully studied about the causes for Global warming.
      ii. we know the detail ideas of reduce the temperatures of environment through this project work.
      iii. So, we educate each and every one of the children, my parents and relatives to encourage them to plant a trees for protecting our plant.

9. Suggested Remedial Measure :
       i. We are so thankful to my all teachers and my friends to done this project successfully.
       ii. Special thanks to my physical science teacher for suggest to our team and encourage to plant a trees.