Project Work

Title of the project     : Friction is both a friend and an evil in our    daily life.
Purpose of the project : Explore how can friction be both a positive and negative aspects in our everyday lives and different technological fields.   
Hypothesis : Friction can be show different effects both negative and positive effects in different fields.
Source require for this process : Academy books, Newspapers, Computer with net facility and magazines etc.
Details of procedure followed : We are collected information from different sources about positive and negative effects of friction in different technology fields and daily life from different source.
Advantages of friction:
1. Friction enables us to walk without slipping:
    i)It is because of the friction between the sole of the shoe and ground prevents us from slipping.
    ii)While walking, we push the ground backwards and the force of friction acts in the opposite direction(i.e., in the forward direction) and prevents us from slipping, by making the balance.

2. Friction enables a car to move on road without skidding:
i)  It is because of the friction between the tyres of the car to move forward without skidding.
ii)  If there were no friction, car would stay where it was.
iii)  Car move due to the friction.
iv)  It becomes sometimes difficult to drive and control car on wet road.
v)  This is because of water prevent on road reduces friction.

3. Friction enables us to write and draw on paper :
i) It is because of the friction between the tip of the pencil (or pen) and paper.
ii) Carbon particles from the pencil lead rubs off from it, due to the friction, which appears as black marks on the paper. 

4. Friction enables us to pick up and hold things in our hands :  
i) We can hold a glass tumbler in our hands because of the friction between the tumbler and our hands.
ii) Similarly we can pick up the books laying on the desk by our hands.

5. Friction enables us to light a matchstick: 
i) Friction also producer heat.
ii) We rub matchstick against the rough side of a matchbox, then friction between both of then produces heat and matchstick and it lights up.

Disadvantage of friction :
1. Friction wears away the soles of our shoes :
i) When we walk on the road, tiny surfaces of the shoe keep on braking off slowly due to which the soles of our shoes wear out slowly. 
ii) Due to which shoes get damaged and becomes until to wear. 
iii) Effect to tyres due to friction.

2. Friction wears out the broke pads of vesicles gradually :
i) Brake pad is made of rubber.
ii) When the brakes of the vehicles are applied a lot of friction is produced.
iii) Friction wears out the break pads gradually.


3. Friction wears out steps of staircases in building and foot over bridges :
i)The friction between the soles of the shoes and wear away hard stone steps slowly.
ii)Such type of staircase are usually seen at:
       a)Railway station 
       c)old buildings

4. Friction slows down motion:
          Friction reduces the motion of moving parts of a machine.In fact all the moving things such as (cars, buses, airplanes, boats, ships etc.,) are slowed down by friction. 


                     Project Report

Name of the project : Friction is both a friend and an evil in our daily life.   
Class                        : VIII
Subject                     : Physical Science
Time frame               : 2 days
Materials/ source used : VIII class physical science text book, internet.
Details of procedure followed :
1. We collected information about friction.
2. We collected pictures from internet.
3. We consolidated and analyzed data.
Finding and Observations:
1. We explored about friction uses and drawbacks with pictures.
2. We noticed the scientific use of friction in day to day life.
3. We understand the utilization of friction in daily life. 
4. We understood to reducing friction to the lowest possible level in machine tools, solves the problem of energy crisis and save biodiversity.
Experience faced : We thrilled about usage of friction in daily life.

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