A wonderful Machine 

Hai friends, 
I am Chitti, I am supercomputer. I have come here to talk to you and play with you.
Do you know anything about me? well, let me tell you.
I am an electronic machine. I Make your work easier.
I work using Electricity.
yes, I know that there are many other machines that work using electricity. A fan, a television, an iron, a washing machine, etc., also work with electricity. but I am a different machine.
 I am more power full than any other machine.

I help you in many ways.       
I help you with your studies. 


  I help you in drawing pictures.

When  you feel bored, you can play 
 games with me. 


You can watch movies on me.


You can play and listen to your favorite music. 


                         A Computer Can Do.. 

 Hai Friends, This is Chitti again.
   Man is very intelligent but as I am computer, I can do various works and can help man and course, you little sweet kids.

 >>I can do all works much faster than a man.
 >> I can be used to write many types of documents and letters.

>> I can play games with you.
>> I can play songs and movies for you.
>> I can send and receive e mails for you.


>> I can store much data in me.
>> I never get tried but you get tired easily after working for sometime.

 >> I can do various works at the same time.
>> I never commit any mistake.
>> I am used at railways stations, Bus stations and Airports to book and reserve tickets.
>> I am used at banks and post offices to manage accounts.
>> I am used at schools to teach lessons.
>> I am used by scientists to launch and control satellites.
>> I can check your horoscope and tell your future.

                     Computer- Its Parts
Hai Friends, Chitti here.
     You learned about the different works I can do.
     You know that a man has many parts in his body. I too have different parts in me. See my picture blow.

I have 4 main parts. They are:
1. Monitor
2. CPU
3. Keyboard
4. Mouse
 Let me explain to you something more about these parts in detail.

1. Monitor :
                                            CRT Monitor                            

                                           LCD Monitor  

          The part which looks like a T.V. is called the Monitor. This is used to display all the information present in me.

2. CPU:

Desktop PC CPU COMPUTER CORE 2 DUO 3.1Ghz & above/ 2 GB / 250GB Hard Disk with WIFI         
    The part which looks like a tower besides the monitor is called the CPU. CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. This is the brain of a computer. All the parts of a computer are connected to the CPU only.

3. Keyboard:

Image result for keyboard          The part which looks like a typewriter is called Keyboard. This helps to type data to be stored in the computer.

4. Mouse:

TERABYTE TB-OP-0630 USB Mouse Black          The small part which is attached to the CPU is called the Mouse. It has a lengthy wire which looks like a tail. This is used to select and open the objects of a monitor.




Hai Friends, Chitti returns here.
     Come on... Let us know more about a monitor.
            A monitor is T.V. like box which is used to display information.        
            The monitor is also known as Video Display Unit. It also displays all the information you type using the keyboard.
Monitors are of two types:
a) Black and White monitors: 
Image result for black and white monitor
             Black and White monitors are also called Monochrome monitors and can display all the information in black and white only.

b) Colour monitors:

Related image
              Now-a-days all the computer users are using colour monitors only. Colour monitors are called Synchrome monitors and can display all the information in actual colours. 
              The colour monitors are available in different models. CRT monitors, LCD monitors and LED monitors.
             CRT monitors use more power than LCD and LED monitors.
              LED monitors take less power than CRT and LCD monitors.


Hai Friends, Chitti the supercomputer came back for you. In our earlier lesson you learned about monitor. Now you can learn about another part, keyboard.
            The keyboard is an important part of a computer. You can type all the information using the keyboard. It contains small buttons which are called keys. These keys have signs of alphabet, numbers and other special symbols.
              All the keys on the keyboard are divided into four groups. They are:
1. Alphabet keys        
2. Number keys 
3. Functional keys  
4. Special keys

1. Alphabet keys : These keys are used to type letters of alphabet.

2. Number keys : These keys are used to type numbers.

3. Functional keys : These keys are used to do different works in different programs. These are labelled from F1 to F12.

4. Special keys : These keys are used to do special works. 
Cursor: The flashing line on the screen is called "cursor". The text you type appears at the cursor on the screen. This cursor can be moved using the arrow keys in four directions.

Important keys on the keyboard:

Space Bar key: It is the longest key on the keyboard. It is used to give space between letters and words.

Enter key: This key sends the cursor to the next line.

Backspace key: This key is used to erase the text to the left side of the cursor.
Delete key: This key is used to erase the text to the right side of the cursor.
Capslock key: This key is used to type continuous capital letters.
Shift key: This key is used to type a single capital letter.


Hai Friends, Chitti the supercomputer here just for you. In this lesson you are going to learn about Mouse.
            A mouse is a pointing device used with a computer. It is used to select objects, drag and drop objects and draw images. It is attached to the computer with a long-thin cable.
            A mouse contains two buttons. The button on the left side of the mouse is called LeftMouseButton(LMB).
            The button on the right side of the mouse is called RightMouseButton(RMB).
             A wheel is present on the mouse is called Scroll Wheel. This is used to scroll the pages up and down.
              A small arrow symbol is displayed on the computer moniter. This is called Mouse Pointer. When you move the mouse, this pointer also moves on the monitor.
             Pressing the mouse button is called Click. Pressing the LMB once is called Single Click and pressing it twice with very short interval is called Double Click.
              Single Click is used to select the objects and double click activates and opens them. Pressing the LMB once on any object and moving the object is called Dragging.
               When the pointer is on any object and RMB is pressed,it displays a menu called Context Menu.
                The context menu differs depending on the object. A mouse is very useful when you are drawing images and windows operating system programs.

                        Paint-A Drawing Program

                 Microsoft (MS) Windows Operating System comes with a special program called "Paint". This program is available as a part of Windows Accessories.
                This program is used to draw images and pictures. The files in Paint software are called "bitmap images". You can set these images as the Desktop Wallpaper also.
To start the paint software, do the following steps:
i) Click on the start button.
ii) Move the mouse pointer to All Programs and click on it.
iii)Now move the mouse pointer to Accessories and click on it.
iv) Click on the Paint button.
                 Then the Paint software opens in a window. The paint opening screen looks as follows:
Canvas: The area where you draw the image is called the Canvas.
Title Bar: This bar displays the name of the file which is opened. 
Menu Bar: This bar displays all the menus.
Toolbox: This box displays all the tools, used to draw pictures.
Scroll Bars: These are used to move the screen up-down and left-right to see the remaining picture.
Colour Palette: This box displays all the colours.
Status Bar: This bar displays different messages such as cursor location information, etc.    


                    Paint is a drawing program that comes with windows as a part of Accessories.It is used to draw and paint pictures. While drawing, you will be working with different tools. All these tools are present in the Toolbox.
                    There are 16 tools present in the toolbox of the Paint. The toolbar is generally located at the left hand side on the windows canvas. This toolbox is a toggle bar i.e., you can switch ON and OFF the toolbar display.
To toggle display of the toolbox on the screen:
i) Click on the View Menu.
ii) Click on the Toolbox.
iii) A tick mark appears to the left of the toolbox and the toolbox appears on the screen.
iv) If you don't want the toolbox on the screen, once again click on the toolbox option in the view menu.
Each tool in the toolbox has specific use. Let us see what these tools are used for:
FREE-FORM SELECT AND SELECT TOOLS:  These tools help to select a portion of the image. The first one is called Free-Form select. It helps to select an irregular area of a drawing. The other is the Select tool. It selects portion of the drawing in a rectangle. You can make changes in any part of the drawing by selecting it.
ERASER TOOL: This tool helps to erase a part of the drawing. Select the eraser tool from the toolbox and drag the mouse over the surface you want to erase. You can increase or decrease the size of the eraser by pressing "+" or "-" symbol on the keyboard.  

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